In the Air Transportation Replicas to Matching Cards - Match Airplanes, Jets and other Miniatures to Photos

This Montessori learning activity focuses on matching miniature aircraft to their matching realistic photo cards. Children lay out the cards and place the miniature object on the matching picture. This activity is small enough to take with you and can be extended into pretend play with the mini cars and trucks.

Matching Skill - Visual Discrimination:
This activity focuses on more advanced preschool matching. The objects are not an exact copy of the photo so children need to carefully observe details to match correctly. Children problem solve by looking at distinctive attributes that they can see on both the object and the photo. They may begin by looking at the shape or function of the object in order to match them correctly. They might ask themselves "which vehicles have an open back?" or "which have multiple windows?" Recognizing these little details helps a child grow their category knowledge and learn new vocabulary!

What is Included:
- 12 miniature aircraft vehicles. (approx 1-2" long)  Includes:  Small plane, executive jet, biplane, stunt plane, parachute, hot air balloon, blimp, spaceship, concorde, jet, helicopter,and jumbo jet.
- 12 laminated cards professionally printed on 100# cardstock and laminated with 5 mil lamination. The cards are classroom tough. Cards are 2.6"x 2.5"

- I also have a set with vehicle transportation!

What they are learning while having fun
- Matching objects to pictures encourages one-to-one correspondence (basic math skill) and visual discrimination.
- Observing and comparing small details to match correctly. Comparing involves identifying similarities and differences among objects
- Children can group the figures by similar traits - this is sorting and classifying!
- Children gain experience with one-dimensional print, and learning to connect real objects to print.

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